Training for your staff

Training for your staff

SENIXA’s competency with multiple CCTV surveillance platforms positions us well us to facilitate & impart skills transfer & training for our client’s staff. CCTV surveillance systems are complex & contain huge functionality. SENIXA works with clients to provide specific training scenarios on those relevant aspects to our clients operations.

Ongoing Technical Support

SENIXA provides ongoing technical & fault diagnostics.  This goes hand in hand as part of security monitoring services.  Remote fault diagnostics, network monitoring & device heath checking is conducted remotely for clients. 99.9% of the time any issues experienced by clients are never a result of CCTV surveillance camera equipment.  The issues are most always […]

Maintenance Services

When SENIXA installs CCTV surveillance systems we select & utilize only the highest quality commercial grade equipment & materials.  This takes into account the installation environment- waterproofing, coastal salt conditions & very high UV index of Cape Town, for example. With this installation philosophy & approach, this means that the likelihood of requiring ongoing visits […]

Supply, installation & commissioning of CCTV equipment


When installing CCTV surveillance systems we select & utilize only the highest quality commercial grade equipment & materials.  This takes into account the installation environment- waterproofing, coastal salt conditions & very high UV index for example of Cape Town. SENIXA only installs the latest high- end IP based AI analytics technology from the world’s leading […]

Site surveys, risk assessment & systems design

Each & every project is unique. A one size fits all approach simply will not work. 3D site rendition & the nuance of its layout will be specific.  SENIXA tends to only monitor cameras which it installs, & it only installs cameras which it monitors. To this end, we start from the perspective of how […]